Cadeirydd: Robat Trefor
Bydd y papur hwn yn trafod datblygiad gwyddor safoni termau Cymraeg fel maes ymchwil newydd yng Nghymru o ddegawdau olaf yr ugeinfed ganrif hyd y presennol. Bydd yn canolbwyntio’n arbennig ar y datblygiadau ym maes terminoleg ar gyfer addysg ddwyieithog yng Nghymru, gan gyfeirio’n benodol at safoni termau Cymraeg mewn nifer helaeth o bynciau ar lefel prifysgol, gan gynnwys y gwyddorau, y dyniaethau a’r celfyddydau, ar gyfer y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Enghreifftir y defnydd o ddiffiniadau o fewn Geiriadur Termau’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, a’u cyfraniad at addysg uwch cyfrwng Cymraeg.
Eglurir y gwahaniaeth rhwng gwyddor geiriadura fel astudiaeth ddisgrifiadol o iaith ar y naill law, a gwyddor ragnodol terminoleg ar y llaw arall sy’n ymdrin ag egwyddorion safoni, bathu a hybu’r dewis o ffurfiau a ddewiswyd i’w harddel ar gyfer cyfathrebu technegol manwl. Sonnir hefyd am wyddor terminoleg fel gwyddor sy’n cychwyn o’r cysyniad, ac nid o’r gair, yn wahanol i wyddor geiriadura.
Disgrifir sut y mabwysiadwyd safonau rhyngwladol ISO er mwyn safoni termau Cymraeg, a sut y defnyddir y dechnoleg ddiweddaraf er mwyn eu trin a’u datblygu mewn amgylchedd digidol gyda thîm gwasgaredig o olygyddion ac arbenigwyr pwnc. Disgrifir sut y dosberthir y cynnyrch terminolegol sy’n deillio o hyn drwy sawl cyfrwng gwahanol, yn wefannau, pyrth ac apiau, gan gyflwyno rhai ystadegau defnydd, ac adrodd ar ei bwysigrwydd i hwyluso gweddill y gweithgaredd cyfrwng Cymraeg mewn parthau technegol ac arbenigol.
This paper will discuss the development of terminology standardization in the Welsh language as a new field of research within Wales from the last decades of the twentieth century until the present. It will focus particularly on developments in terminology for bilingual education in Wales, with specific reference to the terminology standardization work carried out for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol in a wide range of university subjects, including the sciences, humanities and arts. The use of definitions in the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Terminological Dictionary will be explored, as well as the way in which they contribute to Welsh-medium higher education.
The paper will also examine the difference between lexicography as a descriptive study of language and the prescriptive nature of terminology science, where principles exist for the standardization, coining and promotion of terms used in detailed technical communication. The terminological approach of working from the concept, rather than the word, as is the case with lexicography, will also be discussed.
The adoption of international ISO standards in Welsh terminology standardization work will be described, as will the use of the latest technology to manage and develop terms in a digital environment with a geographically dispersed team of editors and subject experts. The distribution of terminological products through different media, such as websites, portals and apps, will also be reported upon, and statistics presented for their usage. The importance of terminology resources for facilitating other Welsh-medium activity in technological and specialist domains will also be discussed.
Crëwyd system Maes T yn wreiddiol fel offeryn i safoni termau Cymraeg. Mae’n system ddigidol sy’n gweithio dros y we er mwyn galluogi tîm gwasgaredig o olygyddion ac arbenigwyr pwnc i weithio gyda’i gilydd ar gofnodion geiriadurol. Mae ganddi ryngwyneb cyfeillgar i’r defnyddiwr, gyda chronfa ddata y tu cefn iddo sy’n cydymffurfio i’r safonau ISO perthnasol ar gategoreiddio data. Gweithreda fel storfa ac archif, gyda rhai meysydd wedi’u neilltuo ar gyfer sylwadau a thrafodaethau mewnol, ac eraill wedi'u bwriadu i gael eu cyhoeddi. Ar hyn o bryd ceir dros 20 geiriadur termau yn Maes T, gyda’r geiriaduron a gyhoeddwyd i’w gweld ar-lein ar drwy Borth Termau Cenedlaethol Cymru. Fe’i haddaswyd hefyd ar gyfer cyhoeddi’r fersiwn digidol ar-lein o Eiriadur yr Academi.
Roedd aelodau o baneli geiriadurol yr Akademi Kernewek wedi profi problemau tebyg i’r rhai a gawsai terminolegwyr ac arbenigwyr pwnc Cymru wrth weithio mewn amgylcheddau gwasgaredig, heb brosesau llif gwaith esmwyth, na dulliau hwylus i archifo a chyhoeddi’n ddigidol. Daeth Cyngor Sir Cernyw felly at dîm Maes T i gomisiynu addasiad ar gyfer yr Akademi Kernywek. Gwnaed addasiadau i’r system gan gynnwys ychwanegu meysydd ar gyfer enwau torfol, nad oedd eu hangen mewn geiriaduron termau Cymraeg, a ffyrdd o ddangos gwahanol dermau cymeradwy ar gyfer ffurfiau gwahanol, ond yr un mor ddilys, o Gernyweg. Y nod yn y tymor hir yw adeiladu arbenigedd a phrofiad yn y tîm yng Nghernyw, fel y byddant yn gallu cymryd drosodd pob cyfrifoldeb am gynnal a datblygu’r system yno.
The Maes T system was originally developed as a tool to standardize Welsh terminology. The system works over an internet connection and aids a dispersed team of editors and subject specialists to work collaboratively on dictionary entries. It has a user-friendly interface, with a database at the back-end that conforms to the relevant ISO standards on data categorization. It operates both as a repository and archive, with some data fields dedicated to internal comments and discussions, with other fields intended also for publication. At present there are over 20 terminology dictionaries in Maes T, with the published dictionaries visible on-line through the Welsh National Terminology Portal. The Maes T system was also adapted in order to publish on-line the digital version of the Welsh Academy Dictionary.
Members of the Akademi Kernewek Dictionary Panel had experienced similar problems to those encountered in the Welsh terminology work, including challenges of working in a dispersed environment, without streamlined work processes, or convenient ways of archiving and publishing on-line. Cornwall County Council therefore approached the Maes T team to commission an adaptation of Maes T for the Akademi Kernywek and their Cornish dictionary. Changes were made to the system including introducing new fields e.g. for collective nouns, not needed in Welsh terminology dictionaries, and ways of displaying different preferred terms for different varieties of Cornish. The aim in the long term is to build up expertise and experience in the team in Cornwall, so that they can take over all responsibility for development and maintenance of their version of Maes T.